This Week On Real Stories

Male Order Bride

Alexis, Mail Order Husband - Image

Getting an Internet bride from Russia goes horribly wrong for an Aussie loser. And learns, it pays read the fine print.

Underground Choir

Renegade kids of the Underground Choir - Image

We go undercover with renegade kids who hold clandestine choir practices when it is banned from their school.

Life Writers

Writers Mike and Laurie - Image

A millionaire hires two comedy writers to make him funnier. This unique insight into the latest corporate craze, is of course an exclusive.

Australia’s Fifth Best Public Affairs Program

Join us on Real Stories as we provide you with an insight into the unique lives of those people so often overlooked by our competitors.

Between each story, respected journalist Jennifer Adams is the glue that holds the program together – but smart glue... with blonde hair and nice clothes.

Network TEN

Network TEN - Sunday Nights After Rove on Network Ten.

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