What You Think
Here at Real Stories, we receive countless emails, letters, faxes and even phone calls regarding our unique and sometimes controversial program. Many of which we read. Here is a relatively uncensored selection of that correspondence:
I think the TV Network should compromise. They said they’d build a 32-storey apartment building and they only dug a whole. That’s definitely unfair! So here’s a solution. I reckon they should meet the Wallace family in the middle and middle a granny flat that is 16 storeys high. Easy. Everyone’s happy. Well, I guess the TV Network had to shell out money they didn’t want to and the Wallace’s will have a really big building that they didn’t want. But still, it is a compromise!
Grace, Moorabbin
My child disappears for up to half an hour at a time when we go shopping at the local shopping centre. I know he’s been playing skill testers but he won’t admit it. He has a problem and I just hope he can realise that before he ends up like that boy Kyle on Real Stories. I watched the story with him last night and when he was watching the ANTI-skill testing ad at the beginning of the story, he started yelling out “Left, left! Go left!” He quickly realised what he was saying and stopped. But I’m very concerned.
Maria, Rockhampton
I want to wish Corey all the very best in becoming obese. He is a very talented comedian with some excellent material. I just hope he can stack it on like he set out to do. Good luck Corey! Keep on eating!
Geoff, Alice Springs
I’ve had an inkling for a while that I’ve been speaking to birds on the other end of the phone when those call centres ring. Now it’s confirmed! I’m not angry about it, I don’t really mind who or what is on the other end of the phone, as long as they don’t mind me hanging up on them when they do call. Bloody scoundrels.
Tania, Subiaco
After watching your story about birds in call centres last night, I must say that I’m not in the least bit surprised. I own a pizza restaurant and I’ve been hiring birds to deliver the pizzas for years now. They work hard, they don’t often complain and can get the pizzas to the customer in a quarter of the time. And just like Todd Dench said on Real Stories last night, it’s a lot cheeeeeaaaper!
Letisha, Penrith

Network TEN
Network TEN - Sunday Nights After Rove on Network Ten.